I have started a patreon for commissions. I'm still green on it. so Idk what all I will do. but if anyone is interested in the slightest to help me out. I made it to help provide some dosh for my family. I will take advice on how to operate it and best means to keep a steady client base. this is kinda new to me so be kind. and I will be kind back.
I set the price at 8 bucks. I was going to go 10 but I don't have much to offer right now. and getting started. I probably should of went 5.. but money issues in the family, health issues and other stuff leaves me needing to help out.
Currently I think I have a damn ulcer from tooth decay, sad to say.
Also if any NSFW Artists can help me out with questions to how to not get banned and provide art to an client base of adults. that'd be great. I almost got into trouble when I Included some sketches and digital art of nsfw content to the public while like a dunce, setting it to public before even being reviewed. xD I admit I'm not too familiar with it all.
So yes any friendly advice is appreciated.
To Be Honest I never really intended on trying to make money on my art and figured I'd go Vincent Van Gogh Route, Crazed Drunk in an Alley Cutting off my own ear. but I don't wanna really go wholeheartly down without a bit of a fight.